ArcGIS atalhos no Arcmap

Accessing ArcMap menu commands

The following table lists shortcut keys for some common commands:

Shortcut Command Menu
Ctrl + N New File
Ctrl + O Open File
Ctrl + S Save File
Alt + F4 Exit File
Ctrl + Z Undo Edit
Ctrl + Y Redo Edit
Ctrl + X Cut Edit
Ctrl + C Copy Edit
Ctrl + V Paste Edit
Delete Delete Edit
F1 ArcGIS Desktop Help Help
Shift + F1 What's This Help

  • To access the Main menu, press Alt and use the arrow keys to move through the menus; press Enter to make a selection.
  • Press Esc to close a menu or dialog box.

Docking and undocking

  • Hold down Ctrl while dragging a toolbar or dockable window to prevent it from docking.

Refreshing or suspending map drawing

  • Press F5 to refresh and redraw the display.
  • Press F9 whenever you want to suspend or pause drawing so you can make changes to your map without having the map redraw after each change. Press F9 again to resume drawing.

Dragging and dropping

  • You can drag and drop or copy and paste multiple layers in the table of contents and between ArcMap sessions. You can also drag and drop or copy and paste data frames between ArcMap sessions.
  • Layers that are dragged and dropped between data frames and ArcMap sessions are copied; hold down Ctrl while dragging and dropping to move layers between data frames and ArcMap sessions.
  • Data frames that are dragged and dropped are moved; hold down Ctrl while dragging and dropping to copy them.
  • Layers that are dragged and dropped inside a data frame are moved; hold down Ctrl while dragging and dropping to copy them.
  • Use drag and drop to move layers in and out of a group layer within a data frame.

Navigating the table of contents with the keyboard

  • F3 or clicking inside the table of contents puts the keyboard focus on the table of contents so you can navigate and interact with it.
  • Esc or clicking the map puts the keyboard focus on the map.
  • Home selects the first item in the table of contents.
  • End selects the last item in the table of contents.
  • Up/Down arrows move through the items in the table of contents.
  • Left/Right arrows or the + and - keys expand or contract selected items. They also toggle between the tabs at the bottom of the table of contents when they have keyboard focus.
  • Spacebar turns drawing of the selected layers on or off.
  • Ctrl + Spacebar turns all the layers in the data frame on or off when a single layer is selected in the table of contents. If the selected layer is part of a group layer or a composite layer, such as an ArcIMS Image Service layer, all the members of that layer will be turned or on off. If multiple layers are selected, Ctrl + Spacebar works like Spacebar by itself and toggles only the selected layers on or off.
  • F2 renames the selected item.
  • F12 or Enter opens the selected item's properties dialog box. If the currently selected item is a heading, symbol, or label, the Layer Properties dialog box will open with the Symbology tab shown on top.
  • Shift + F10 (or the Application key, if your keyboard has one) opens the context menu for the selected item.
  • Use Shift + F1 or F1 to obtain context help when an item has keyboard focus or when the properties dialog box tab or a table of contents tab is selected.
  • F11 activates a selected data frame, or hold down Alt and click a data frame to activate it.
  • When there are multiple data frames in the map, use Ctrl + Tab to cycle through each data frame and activate it.

Selecting items in the table of contents

  • Ctrl + click selects or deselects multiple layers or data frames.
  • Shift + click selects all layers or data frames between two layers or data frames, within the same table of contents level.

Using mouse shortcuts in the table of contents

  • Ctrl + click an expansion control (+/-) to expand or contract all the items at that level. If any items are currently selected, only the selected items are expanded or collapsed.
  • Ctrl + click a check box to turn all the layers on or off at that level. If any items are currently selected, only the selected items are turned on or off.
  • When dragging layers, hovering over an expansion control with the drop pointer expands or collapses any item.
  • Right-clicking features, layers, and data frames always opens a context menu.

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